Bouteille en verre recyclable
Formule à absorption rapide
Rubrique Garantie
Rubrique Garantie
Qu'est-ce qui rend notre huile corporelle spéciale ?
Nous utilisons un mélange d’huiles hydratantes naturelles pour hydrater votre peau sans vous laisser grasse.
How long do your body oils last?
About 12 months is the average length of time you can store our body oils. Because there are no preservatives, be careful to avoid getting moisture inside of your bottle.
Can I use this on my face?
Because the face is a sensitive area we recommend not using our body oils on your face.
How big is the bottle?
Each of our body oils comes in a 5 inch tall bottle which makes it very easy to carry around with you or leave on your night stand.
Does the oil leave you with a shimmer?
It leaves behind a subtle shimmer on your skin.